World Building

The Remnant
World Building

1. The New World that emerged from the end of all the destruction was filled with pockets of survivors.  Ones that ruled out of pain & fear and ones that lead people into a new world.  Both had to use power to defend themselves but a few, very few, used it to improve the lives of the community as a whole.  

2. Graham Heights happened to be one of the latter.  The Elders lead with the desire to improve the welfare and health of the entire community.  They did so by protecting it with their lives and guns.  

3. Peace was brought about through power.  The power to defend and even drive out an enemy.  But it was not the backbone of the society.  It was just one of three elements.  The first was leadership;  The Elders.  The second was the Law; Judges and officers.  The last was the commanders; The Armed Ones that patrolled, defended and chased those that opposed peace and order.

4. Now enter One World, I won't give you too many details, it will spoil the story.  They have managed to collect the world's knowledge and leading edge scientist so that they can continue to create a world full of wonders.  There leader is Named.... Sorry TMI.

5. Now here is the fun part.  And I won't be giving away much, because the story actually starts out on a different planet.  That's right.  We have left Earth in our cosmic dust and are out among the stars.
We only get a glimpse of this great new world and the colony that is set up there, but you will get more of that when the rest of the books are published.

Book 4 is now available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

6. In Chapter 52 we get to see the ship that will transport the first colonist to there new world and we find out that they are not allow.  Other ships are being prepared to run the emptiness of space so that they too can start anew on a different planet.  We also learn that they are going to a different planet and that, if successful, humans will occupy as many as four or five worlds...  Mind blowing.

7.  Finally some new tech.  We learn really quickly, in chapter 25, that our world now has Artificial Intelligence that is allow to roam that country sides.  They have purpose and personalities.  And they help set Graham Heights on its new course for the cosmos.

8.  Through some unusual circumstances we get to roam about the country ourselves and see what has happened to Eastern Washington and then much farther south as we take a magical trip to the great state of Texas.

So you see we have it all.  The present and the downfall from a limited perspective, New leaders and power player.  Exploring the changes in our planet and then walking away from it all and traveling to the stars.  Graham Heights is broken up into three parts.  The original prequel, The settlement of Rainier and then we climb aboard the starship MayFlower.  Named after the ship that brought the pilgrims to America's shores.

Ideas not explored yet, but hinted at.  There are worlds with religious zealots as well as ones that don't want to be a part of the system of planets.  There are smugglers, pirates and a universe full of things to explore and die for.  This is a spiritual journey as much as a physical one.  And the challenges are physical, psychological and spiritual.  Life itself has change and our lifespan and the existence of stasis chamber have allowed us to live like Methuselah.   If you don't know who that is look it up...

Please come aboard for an adventure: 
           This blog contains two books of the Remnant Series If you want to start at the beginning of Book 6, click the link below.
1st Chapter of Obsidian Arrows

If you want to read more about the Remnant Series see the links below.

            Book 1-3: Graham Heights available on
            Book 4: The Grey Abyss available on

            Bood 5: Chaos coming soon to

Book 6: Obsidian Arrows

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R. A. Legg

  R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.


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