
Obsidian Arrows
Time of our Lord Creatos 1539, Sunday the 3rd of Sonyen (Sõn-yen)
It was like a whirlwind.  We only had about a dozen applicants to go through due to the fact that many potential applicants were weeded out by their profiles.  They just wouldn’t fit into a crew this small.  The applicants that were chosen, were individuals that were used to doing things alone.  Much like Tarinnish himself.  Of those applicants only six suited Clarish.  And of those six only three were selected.  One joined immediately, that would be Ensign Cline.  A confident young man that was third in his class.  He was from a small mining facility from the outer rim.  His family sent him back to the Gama colony when he was eight.  It seemed that a student with an IQ of 135 just didn’t fit in with the rest of the kids.  So, he was raised by his grandmother and attended the advanced placement school from home.  He was used to studying and playing by himself and when exposed to crowds, well let’s just say, he does better by himself.  
Then there was 1st Lieutenant Malcom Sweets, well let’s just say they broke the mold after he graced our world.  He was a loner but not by choice, he just had an abrasive way about him.  He tried to be nice, he just wasn’t.  Also top of his class, but due to his nature, he failed to accomplish any of the required collaborative assignments.  How his application got into our file, well let’s just say, no one was doing us any favors.  After reviewing his file Tarinniah turn to his captain and said, “I think I would prefer Copeland.” Clarish nodded her approval of that.  The one thing that did stand out was that Sweets was a damn good pilot and all of his solo assignments were top of the class.  He was good.  And it was the captain’s hope, that if he got an assignment he would learn how to get along with the crew.  After completing his final courses or getting waivers for the last of his assignments, her joined the crew.  As for the last applicant.  Well we won’t mention any names, but his last name started with a “C”.  And his application fell on the floor and wasn’t discovered until all the positions were filled.  
The Hōkūle‘a had it precious cargo loaded just six rotations ago and about eighty percent of its rations.  It was up to the two lieutenants to finish loading the stores for the trip.  Well as soon as Sweets got back from his qualifying run to the moons.  He was just rounding the smaller of the moons now and everything looked good.  A little aggressive but that was to be expected from someone trying to impress the boss.  And Tarinnish was the boss right now.  Captain Clarish had returned home.  She was in the last seventh and he would be joining her as soon as Sweet returned.  Her last few rotations on the ship were difficult as the baby kept her up at night.  She had lowered the gravity on the ship to keep from feeling like a whale, but the doc at the infirmary told her that that was a big mistake.  The child needed to feel the discomfort of being in the womb.  He told her that the child’s discomfort was part of the process of birth and if it was comfortable, well it was just going to stay where it was.  Clarish thought the doc was crazy, but then decided to go home.  Because there, she could not be tempted to make herself comfortable as there was no gav plating to play with.  Plus, she wanted to start interviewing nannies to help her mother take care of the child, at least for the first six cycles.  It was very important to find someone that had her values and could get along with mom.  Dad was easy, it was mom that needed to be kept in check.  If she had her way, she would spoil the child.  So, whoever Clarish found had to have the discipline of a drill sergeant and the diplomacy of a politician.    
Back in the quiver, Tarinnish was anxious to leave and was already packed when he got a message that the commandant wanted to see him.  He gave an affirmative response and told Cline to keep watch over the lieutenant and to message him if anything went wrong.  Cline didn’t talk much, but he obeyed orders and was generally cheerful.  Tarinnish remembered that the ensign wanted to write a book and this trip was the perfect place to do that.  
Tarinnish wished he could organize his thoughts into a book, but that seemed far too hard to do and in just a few chapters he would run out of things to say.   No, he preferred spending his time with Clarish, studying old textbooks and learning the latest on new systems, planets and mineral deposits.  That was tangible and could make him very rich.  He just might get his own ship and crew once this was over.  That’s what a lot of x-arrows did.  Sure, they would turn over their findings to the counsel, but they always kept a few choice pieces of information for themselves.  It was a simple matter of leaving the military, join the mining guild.  Pay their insane upfront commission and get a ship.  Once that was done, it was a simple matter of reporting the tonnage you pulled out of some rock somewhere.  When offloaded to a refinery you got paid by how pure it was.  Each mineral was worth differing amounts.  Platinum and Iron being the most valuable.  Gold was good too, but not nearly as valuable as Platinum.  After a dozen years or so, you turn the whole operation over to someone else and go off to find a planet to settle on.  Some small island or secluded section that was accepting settlers and just spend the rest of your life quiet, content and only with those you can tolerate.   
Cline interrupted Tarinnish’s thoughts, “Sir. Sir the commandant is waiting.” 
Tarinnish tore his eyes from the monitor and out of the thoughts that kept him immobile. “Of course.” He didn’t explain to Cline why he stood there for so long.  He just left.  Once outside the ship he let his shoulder slouch a bit.  It was difficult to keep up the appearance that he always knew what he was doing and that aire that he was in charge.  It was just not natural for him.  Clarish, on the other hand, was a natural. She just lived the part so well.  He was the pretender.  He didn’t want to be in charge, but that was rank.  If he did get his own ship, he would hire a captain to run it.  To run the men and he would just oversee the operation. This could be a dangerous affair, but the one thing that would keep him in charge would be his maps to all the treasure.  And as long as he kept that the men would follow. 
The only thing that nagged him about his plan was whether Clarish would follow him or go her own way.  Both of them were less than a hundred cycles old and they had at least two more centuries to go before the reaper would be making his call.  That’s if the jump didn’t kill them first.  So, would she be at his side through all of this? 
Tarinnish shook off the thoughts.  He needed to stay in the here and now.  He needed to be at the commandant's office in just five minutes and then grab his bag and head for the shuttle that was leaving in just three hours.
Walking through the door at the Admin hut, Tarinnish just waved at the T-model behind the desk and walked towards the commandant’s office.  The privilege of rank.  He was acting captain and captains didn’t wait to be called to the back.  They walked back and spoke directly to the commandant’s adjunct.  Then they waited.  
The commandant did not let him wait too long.  She appeared at the door and signaled for Tarinnish to join her as she walked away from her office.  Once out of ear shot she asked, “How’s Clarish?”
“Ready.” Tarinnish said then expanded himself, “Ready to have our son and ready to be on our way.” 
“Well she just might get her wish.” The commandant said, with little emotion.  
Tarinnish felt that there was more to the comment.  But only said, “Really.” 
“We have a window approaching in three alunars and your ship is the only one ready.” the commandant confided.
“I see.” Tarinnish didn’t, but it seemed like the right thing to say.
“I don’t think you do.” The commandant pulled up short.
Tarinnish stopped and turned to face her, “I don’t understand, the Hōkūle‘a and her crew are ready.” 
“I know you are, and I know that Clarish is ready to be the Captain, but this is no ordinary jump.” The Commandant looked up at Tarinnish, “This is one of the big ones.” 
“How far?” Tarinnish asked.
“At least two thousand.” The commandant said.
“Wow.” Tarinnish thought “So, how long to join?” 
“The coats say about twelve to fifteen cycles.” The commandant admitted.
“Has anyone ever jumped that far?” Tarinnish asked.
“Yes, but none have lived to tell about it.” The commandant said.  Which explained why they were not having this conversation in her office and why she was not excited for them.  She was giving them an opportunity to decline.  To find a reason for not being ready.  If this conversation was happening in the commandant’s office, he would not have a way out.  He would have to accept.  But here, it’s just a casual conversation.
Tarinnish turned away.  He looked down the corridor and saw all the pictures of captains that had gone.  Those that had explored the galaxy and for some, paid the ultimate price.  Clarish’s picture will be on this wall soon.  The question is, will it be posthumously, or will she do it herself? Tarinnish also knew that the commandant should be talking to Clarish, but again he is being given an out.  He could decline and she would never know.  It was just a walk with the commandant.  
A million thoughts raced through his mind.  Their child, her parents, the vision.  There were a hundred reasons to decline.  But he was not making the decision.  He had to be true to Clarish and what decision she would make. He could not be Tarinnish, he had to be the Captain.  And she would not shrink away.  Tarinnish hated himself right now.  He hated being honorable.  He turned to the commandant, but no words came out.
She saw the pain in his eyes, “I know.” the commandant said. “Shall we continue this conversation in my office?” 
Tarinnish just nodded his head yes.
Tarinnish made the shuttle flight down.  He didn’t talk to anyone.  He was lost in thought. They were to stay on the planet for an alunar.  The commandant insisted that the orders would not come down for five sevenths.  This would give them time.  Time to have the child, get their affairs in order and be prepared to leave.  Tarinnish would not breathe a word of the orders until their son was born, then he would tell her. At this point she could decline them, but she wouldn’t.  They would leave and their son would be a man before they returned.  A tear rolled down his cheek, if they returned.

            End of Chapter 10

This blog contains two books of the Remnant Series If you want to start at the beginning of Book 6, click the link below.
1st Chapter of Obsidian Arrows

If you want to read more about the Remnant Series see the links below.

            Book 1-3: Graham Heights available on Amazon.com
            Book 4: The Grey Abyss available on Amazon.com

            Bood 5: Chaos coming soon to Amazon.com

Book 6: Obsidian Arrows

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R. A. Legg

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