The Grey Abyss

Find out what the future of humanity looks like... In "The Grey Abyss" you have moved forward in time. Years are now Cycles, Months - Alunars. See what what has happened the The Remnant.

As the grey abyss presses down on the armada, Knorack the First Warrior, has gone into a self-imposed seclusion. They’re completely abandoned in his absence and the ships are beginning to crumble under the seemingly endless wandering in cosmic nothingness.

The crew of the lead ship Sark has taken over the lower half of the ship and the officers don't dare try to take it back from the dangerous mutineers. The rest of the fleet is faring no better and the people lie on the precipice of starvation and utter demise. Surely, surely they aren’t destined for death. Not after all they had been through.

There’s no denying these are dark days, lost in the grey abyss and hope dwindles fast. It will take an astronomical miracle to save them.

Available now in eBook or paperback. See the link below.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Outliers 11J Jason and Jack


        It was late Tuesday and Alan was called to the commons.  He had been sitting at his desk working on the Planting labor plan.  The crop rotation was in its third year and this year they got to plant sweet corn again. It was alway a favorite, but it was hell on the soil.  So they usually allowed for the fields to yield something that they could plow under and replenish it.  Then the next year was something that again didn’t take so much out that your typical mulch couldn’t replace.           

        Allison came into the office with Alan’s radio, “They are calling for you.” 

Alan took the radio and answered, “This is Alan.”

The Sheriff responded, “You might want to come down here.  It’s nothing short of a miracle.” 

“What is?” Alan asked.

“Well Jack… He’s crying.” The Sheriff said.

“Okay.  I’m on my way.” Alan said.

It didn’t take long and Alan was down at the commons.  He walked in and the Deputies were looking at the interrogation rooms.  When Alan walked in, they pointed at the second room.  Jack and Lorance were in there.  

Alan came up to the window but didn’t enter. Lorance saw him and got up.  He left Jack there.  He came out and closed the door.  With a head nod he indicated for Alan to follow.  They walked to the council chamber.

Lorance turned to Alan.  “You're an ass, but it worked.” That was Lorance’s way of saying that he didn’t like it, but he respected the results.  

“So the interviews were successful?” 

“You bastard! they were excruciating to go through.  I kept seeing my own daughters in there.”  Lorance shook his head.  “Jack tried to ignore it but after the third one he started getting mad, then they brought in the thirteen year old.  I thought Jack was going to break out.  He kept say, that bastard.  What the hell was he thinking?”   

Alan stepped up to Lorance, “I’m sorry, truly sorry.” 

Lorance looked at him, “I know, but someone had to be in there.  Kan, Lopez and Susan would have strangled him.  I don’t think Walk could have stomached it and we all know what Mike would have done.” Lorance turned away.  “This was not what I signed up for.”

“I know.” Alan said, “They wrote me in, remember.” 

“Yeah.” Lorance said.  “God! That seemed like a lifetime ago.”     

“It was.” Alan said remembering the days that were so normal as compared to this.

With that said Lorance turned back into his lawyer self.  “He wants to make a deal.” 

“Does it include counseling?” Alan asked.

“Yes, for himself and his son.” Lorance stated.

“And you think he’s sincere?” Alan asked.

“He was mortified, embarrassed and ashamed.  He’s a good man.  Just bitter.” Loranced stated.

“Yeah, I picked up on that.” Alan said. Then asked, “Reparations.” 

“They want to see the baby first, but yes he is willing to support the child if it’s his son’s.” Lorance said.

“Well we don’t exactly have DNA testing facilities.” Alan shot back.

“Apparently there’s a birthmark that is very prevalent in their family.” Lorance started.

“Oh my God, have we reduced ourselves to such witchcraft?” Alan protested.

“People lie, Alan.  Even victims.  And I think that is about the best we can do for the circumstances.” Lorance was hoping that would be enough.

“So what do I tell her?  Oh, if by chance, that little shit’s birthmark shows up on your child, then he will be responsible, otherwise you're out of luck.”  Alan shook his head.  “That’s not going to cut it.” 

Lorance heard him out.  “Sometimes you can’t have your cake and eat it too.  We have Jack.  He wants to change and he wants to make sure his son does too.  That’s a huge win!” 

Alan walked the room.  Shaking his head and saying nothing.  He paced back and forth.  But nothing came.  Nothing could bridge the gap he saw in this arrangement.  Nothing was there to assure this girl that her child would matter and be cared for.  Her parents didn’t want it.  The boy didn’t and shouldn’t be allowed to care for the child until his attitude changed.  And that only left the teenage mother.  This was the stupid Eatonville decision all over again.  The victims are stuck with the consequences.  

“Alan.  Stop.  You’re not going to solve this tonight.  And it may not be yours to solve.” Lorance said in a kind voice.

Alan looked at him, “I…”

“Not yours to solve right now.  Maybe not ever.” Lorance restated slowly.

Alan just shook his head.  He knew Lorance was right, but Damn! This sucks!

Lorance then said, “I’m going to have Jack released.  He needs to make arrangements and then we can convene a special council meeting to set conditions and record it all to ensure that we get what Graham needs.”

“Let Jason go with him.  Just explain, he’s not to leave the farm until we’ve had the meeting to set conditions.” Alan said as he came to grips with the situation.

“I was hoping you’d say that.  I spoke with Susan and she would have seconded that motion if asked.” Lorance said with a slight smile on his face.

“Oh, you shit.” Alan said with a smile while shaking his head. 

“You and Mike can be… stubborn.” Lorance said lightheartedly.

“It keeps us alive.” Alan stated coldly.  

“I know.” Lorance said with sincerity.  

Alan couldn’t help it, “Are we having a moment?” 

“Shut up!” Lorance said sternly. 

Alan just put up his hands in surrender.  

Lorance turned to leave.  This meeting was over and there was still paperwork to do in order to get Jack and Jason out of here.  

Alan went home and had two beers that night.  He knew that so much was up to fate, but he wasn’t going to change that.  The next day Lorance had set up the meeting to go over the level of restriction that was going to be placed on Jason.  He also wanted to have a list of counselors that could assist with Jack and his son’s issues with women.  However, there were only three in this community and all of them were women. And one was Allison, Alan’s wife.  So that wasn’t an option.  Alan reminded Lorance, that all of Jack’s hired hands may need some fine tuning as well.  Next thing Alan knew was that Lorance had walked over to his house and was sitting on the front porch.  Alan came out with two glasses of brandy.  His last bottle.  He handed Lorance one.  Lorance took it.

They said nothing for a long time.  They just sat and sipped the alcohol.  

“Self help group.” Alan finally said.


“Like alcoholics anonymous, a self help group.” Alan said.

“That’ll work?” Lorance asked.

“Well if it’s facilitated by someone, maybe.” Alan said, “This is Allison's thing, not mine.” 

“Well I can’t use her because of you.” Lorance said.

“I know.” 

“Then, there’s the matter of who is going to pay for it.” Lorance stated.

“Well that should be Jack.” Alan said. “He can barter.” 

“He may take it out of Jason's hide.” Lowrance stated.

“Consequences.” Alan just said.

“We need them.” Lorance shot back.

“We need them whole, mentally and physically whole.” Alan said.

“If he gets through this.  I mean really buckles down and gets past this thing with women and shows up as a real man.  He would make a great judge.” Lorance said.

“What does that mean, real man?” Alan asked.

“You know.  A person that owns his actions. Good or bad.” Lorance said.

“Be careful.  You’re sounding like me.” Alan said as he raised his glass.

“For the record, I never disagreed about that.” Lorance protested.

“Okay.  Seriously, we need to pool the counselors we have and ask them.  I just don’t think we can set anything up without them.” Alan said.

“Oh, good.  Thanks for thinking of that.”  Lorance said in a high pitch, then he lowered his pitch and said, “They will be here in thirty minutes.”

Alan put on some water for tea, he ditched the brandy snifters and set up more chairs on the porch.  It was way too hot in the house.  Lorance just sat there waiting for the guest to arrive.  First one up the walk was Allison.  She shot Alan a look that said that this was odd.  

The next two ladies arrived together in a wagon pulled by a big black horse.  They tied up the horse and came to the porch.  After introductions they looked at Lowrance.  He started the situation and asked if they could come up with some process or something to help.

The next two hours was like watching something you didn’t understand and was going way too fast and in far too many directions.  The women talked over each other and argued and discussed so many things that Alan was glad he had the brandy before they came.  

Finally Allison looked at the men and said, “A group session is a good place to start, but individual sessions should be set up to re-enforce the individual process that needed to happen with each of the men.”

“For how long?” Alan asked.

“For as long as it takes.” Allison responded.

“Um, we need… a time.  Some duration.” Alan said.

“No.  That’s not how it works.” Allison started. “And we need to meet somewhere neutral, not the farm.” 

“We can use the council chambers.” Alan started to say. 

Allison cut him off, “No. Somewhere neutral. Like the school.” 

“Okay, but I’m going to have a security team there.” Alan said.

“That’s not neutral.” Allison insisted.

“Then you'll have a radio.” Alan insisted.

“I won't be there.” Allison stated, “You make me an inappropriate candidate for this job.”  

Alan was relieved at that statement.

A week later the meeting came and went.  No issues, no disrespect noted.  Jack and Jason were model citizens.  The following week, Jack and two of his hands were there.  Again, nothing but praise from the counseling team. Alan was elated, but Allison was not.  She looked over the reports and shook her head and said,  “They are just playing the game.”

“What do you mean?” Alan asked.

“Court ordered counseling has never been that effective because, as you stated, there’s an end date.  They’re just going to wait you out, and then go right back to what they were doing.” she explained. 

Alan thought for a second, “Do you have another idea.” 

“Yeah, you're going to have to piss him off.” Allison said.

“A little Son Tzu thing.” Alan asked.

“What.” Allison looked confused.

“Piss him off to see who the real man is.” Alan stated.

“Sort of.” Allison said, but I don’t think that was Son Tzu.” 

“Does it really matter?  You want me to stir the hornet's nest and see what comes out.” Alan said, then added, “That doesn’t sound like real counseling.”

“It’s not, but it worked on our son, so I know you can do it.” Allison said.

“That’s not fair, he had that punishment coming and that other stuff just came out.” Alan said defensively.  As he remembered the night they caught their son with mariwana. When it came to the consequences an argument insured and a lot of bottled up ideas and concepts came flooding out of their son.  Things both Alan and Allison had been waiting for, but their son was stubborn and held a lot of it in, unit that night. Alan looked at Allison, “I think Jack is a little smarter than a fifteen year old.” 

“Well then you’re going to have to hit way below the belt.” Allison stated.

“Okay, let me think on this for a little while.” Alan finally said.

The next morning was beautiful.  It was about 5 am and the birds were just waking up and starting to sing.  There were soft clouds way up high and the valley was clear.  Alan was sitting on the front porch with a cup of coffee.  He had a small stache and drank it sparingly.  But this morning seemed fitting.  He needed to be at peace with what he was going to do.  And with all the other issues of child molestation, possibly human trafficking, not to mention getting in the planting in this season. There was a lot going on.  And yet today he was either going to make another enemy or find out something very dark about the colony.  Either way, it wasn’t going to be pleasant.  Alan sipped his coffee and felt the warmth of the liquid and the rush of the caffeine.  He watched as sunbeams raced across the sky and the tops of the clouds became golden.  What a beautiful world they lived in.  How could such evil be here? Alan continued to sip the coffee and watch the sunrise.  Roosters started to serenade the coming of day and the cows started to protest.  They needed to be milked and the farmer was yet to call them in.  This was their life. Agricultural, rural and peaceful.  Alan’s mind shifted back to the task at hand.  What would be his low blow or would he even need one?  Would Jack and Jason give up the information they needed?  Not if they were involved.  

There was a burst of light as the sun peaked over the mountains.  Now the bottom of the clouds went red.  Rays of yellow filled the upper sky and the valley started to come alive with light.  God what a beautiful thing.  

Alan drank his last swallow of coffee. He put down the cup and picked up his radio.  “Mike.” 

After a few seconds, “On my way.” was all Mike said.

Alan clicked the transmit button twice indicating that he got the message then reached over and put his gun in the holster he strapped to his thigh when he got dressed.  Alan never carried a round in the chamber.  He felt that pulling his gun and chambering the round gave him ample time to find another alternative.  That was his job.  Find a way to get what was needed without killing someone.  But if necessary, he could and has, if it meant the survival of the colony or his family.   He stood.  This was what he needed.  Time to size up the situation, set his course and take the appropriate actions.  He grabbed his vest and put it on.  Then connected his AR short to the single point sling that was attached to the vest.  

He picked up his notepad and started for the front gate.  By the time he got there, Mike was pulling up in the security truck.  He had two of his guys strapped in the back.  This was a show of force and a precaution just in case Jack got stupid and tried to fight his way out. 

Alan jumped in the passenger side.  “No Junior?”

“Not this time.  We need answers, not a bunch of bodies.” Mike said.

“Too close to home.” Alan said.

“He can’t stop thinking about his own daughters and how much Steve has destroyed his.” Mike shook his head, “He’s in no condition to be with us today.” Miked reached out and bounded on the truck’s roof to indicate that the others should hold on.  He then pushed the accelerator and they were off.  The trip only took thirty minutes.  And before they knew it they were at the edge of the farm.  The cows were headed to the barns.  Only a handful were milking cows, the rest were looking for hay.  A cowhand saw the truck and whistled loudly to alert the house. Other whistle could be heard in response.  

Mike pulled up to the house and stopped the truck.  

Alan reminded him, “Guns down.” 

Mike didn’t like it, but let his AR stay limp in its sling.  Kept his hands out and away. 

Jack came to the front porch, surprised by his visitors. “Alan.  Mike?”

“We need to talk.” Alan started.

Mike just scowled


“Where’s Jason?” Alan asked.

“He’s in the barn. We have cows to milk.” Jack said.

Alan looked around.  The cowhands were gathering.  None had guns, but a visit by Alan and Mike was not something to miss.  “Can we go inside?”

Jack bristled up, “What is it?” 

“Jack, let’s step inside.” Alan said with a little more force.

“Fine!” Jack turned to go inside and Alan and Mike followed.

Once in the living room Jack turned.  He didn't’ offer anything.

Alan stopped about ten feet from Jack.  Mike stayed by the front door.

“I need to ask you something.” Alan stated, “Something you said about getting sex.”

“What, you and Allison…”

“Stop right there.” Alan said sternly.

Jack looked at Alan.  There was a moment, then Jack asked, “What are you looking for?”

“You know Steve Matherson.” Alan asked.

“Oh?  OH!, Hell no!” Jack yelled.  “Okay, Stop right there.  There is no way in hell that shit is going on out here!” Jack protested loudly.  “Holy shit Alan!  Oh, I admit I’m wrong and what I was teaching my son was.. Well, It was not healthy, but THAT.. God no!”  Jack sat down.  He was sickened that Alan thought that anything like that was going on at his ranch.  

Alan realized that he didn’t need any low blows, this accusation was enough, but he had to ask, “I need to know who or where you get these girls.”

Jack just looked at him, hurt.  “There locals.  They just don’t want to be slaves to the system.  You know, planting, cooking or scrounging.  They can make what they want on their backs and that’s enough for them.” Jack shook his head, “It’s completely consensual.” 

Alan knelt down, “We need to know names.  We need to know if someone is trying to traffic them…. or…kids.” 

Jack shot up and yelled “Jose!” 

A man came in from the kitchen, “Jes Sir.” 

“Go get Petie and Jason.” Jack commanded.

“Jes Sir.” and Jose ran off.  

Jack turned to Alan, “They will know how to contact the girls and get them over here.”

Alan looked at Jack, “Your son?”

Jack realized his mistake, “OH, no.. I have a hired hand named Jason.”

After a few minutes, the two men came in and Jack explained to them the situation and then asked them to retrieve two girls.  Odessa and Maria were brought to the house.

They were dressed like they were going to be working on a farm, but the outfits were modified to be a bit more revealing.  The situation was explained to them and then Alan asked, “Has anyone approached you about joining…”

“You mean a pimp.” Odessa said crudely. “We don’t need no pimp.”

“Something like that.  But a little bit more organized.” Alan explained.

“Oh, you mean like, organized.” Maria said.

Alan didn’t know what to say to that.  She just repeated what he said.

Jack jumped in, “Girls.  Has anyone ever tried to get you to join their gang or group?”

“Hey that guy.  You know the one that came to Jason’s party and wanted to talk to us about getting more clientele.” Odessa said to Maria.

“Yeah.” Said Maria, then added, “You said he was bad.” 

Odessa looked at the men in the room then back to Maria, “Yes, I think he was, but do you remember his name?”

“Mitchal or Mitch…Mike” Maria meandered.

Everyone in the room looked at Mike who was standing at the front door.

Mike didn’t hear what was going on and asked, “What?”

“Mr. Mitchal Stook.” Maria announced out of the blue.

“Thata girl.” said Odessa.  She looked at Jack, “I knew she would remember, she’s very good with names.” 

“Stook!” Alan said.  That was the name of the guy that was running the speak-easies.  He was also tied into a robbery gang and other criminal activities. Now it looks like prostitution was just another facet of his activities.  Alan asked, “Do you know how to get in touch with this guy?”

“Oh no.” Odessa said shaking here head.  “I told him we wanted nothing to do with him or his stuff.” 

“Stuff?” Jack asked.

“Yeah, he had some type of pill he said would make us feel real good.” Odessa said. “I know that’s just a trap.  He gets us hooked then who knows what.” She was still shaking her head.  “I got my girls outa there.” 

“Your girls?” Alan asked.

“You know. My girl friends.  We watch out for each other.” Odessa said.

Jack stepped in, “Okay, thank you.  You did more than enough.  Have Jose get you some food and then visit the bunk house.”

Odessa and Alan looked at Jack.

“I don’t know if anyone is looking, but if these guys are organized and they have their sights set on you and your girls, it needs to look like a morning tris.”  Jack explained.

“Tris?” Maria asked.

“Visit with the boys.” Jack said.

“Oh!” Maria said with understanding

The girls went to the kitchen.

Alan just looked at Jack.

“What, I didn’t say they were… smart” Jack admitted. “It’s what they want to do.  Maybe the only thing they can do.” 

“Tell me you don’t believe that?” Alan asked.

“You want to sit up there on your mighty throne and look down on us?” Jack shot back.

“Jack, you used to be a member of the court.” Alan stated.

“Yeah and that turned out great.  I lost my wife, my.. self and all of it.  It’s gone.  The law.  The shitty self worth it brough.” Jack shook his head and then said, “I was so high and mighty that I couldn’t stand to look at the man in the mirror.  Then it fell apart.  I felt liberated.  I had no idea how heavy it was. Until it was gone.  That law was killing me.  It was killing us.”

“Help me then.  Help me and Lorance make a better law.  One that works from the top down and the bottom up.  One that stresses that personal responsibility is everyone's burden.” Alan pleaded.

“Let me think about it.  Besides, I have to clean up my own house first.” Jack said.

“And what are you going to use as a standard?” Alan asked while looking right into Jack’s eyes.

Jack didn’t say anything.  Then slowly shaking his head, “You bastard.  You should have been a lawyer.” 

Alan stood. “I’ll have Lorance bring you what we have.” 

“Lorance has gone along with this?” Jack asked.

“Kicking and screaming the entire way.” Alan admitted. Then Alan got serious, “Jack, why the change?”

Jack stopped smiling. “I’m an INTJ like you.  You and Lorance showed me that I was in error.  I don’t have all the answers, but wrong is wrong.  Now, I just have to fill that spot with what’s right.”

Alan stepped up and stuck out his hand.  “I don’t have all the answers either, but I’m looking. And with you and Lorance we just might find some good ones.” 

Jack took Alan’s hand and shook it.

This blog contains two books of the Remnant Series If you want to start at the beginning of Book 4, click the link below.
1st Chapter of Obsidian Arrows

  If you want to order the books, see below. 

Book 1 is available in paperback or kindle: The Grey Abyss

Book 2 is available in paperback or Kindle: "Graham Heights"

R.A. Legg

R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.