The Grey Abyss

Find out what the future of humanity looks like... In "The Grey Abyss" you have moved forward in time. Years are now Cycles, Months - Alunars. See what what has happened the The Remnant.

As the grey abyss presses down on the armada, Knorack the First Warrior, has gone into a self-imposed seclusion. They’re completely abandoned in his absence and the ships are beginning to crumble under the seemingly endless wandering in cosmic nothingness.

The crew of the lead ship Sark has taken over the lower half of the ship and the officers don't dare try to take it back from the dangerous mutineers. The rest of the fleet is faring no better and the people lie on the precipice of starvation and utter demise. Surely, surely they aren’t destined for death. Not after all they had been through.

There’s no denying these are dark days, lost in the grey abyss and hope dwindles fast. It will take an astronomical miracle to save them.

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Outliers 11B Jason

  It was midnight by the time Mr. Copeland arrived to pick up his son.  When he arrived he didn’t come to listen, he came to get his son and leave.  

    The Sheriff had arrived about the same time.  He didn’t want his deputies to deal with Copeland, as he used to be a lawyer and he likes to be right, even when he’s wrong.

As soon as he was through the door Jack Copeland said, “What has he done now.” 

The Sheriff stood and addressed Mr. Copeland, “To start, we have a curfew violation. Trespassing, and possibly statutory rape.”  The sheriff was trying to make a point.

“Wait.  Rape!” Jack shouted.

“Yes, he had a minor in a shed and by the nature of the trappings, he intended for it to be a sexual rendezvous.” One of the deputies added.

“But you didn’t witness this.” Jack stated.

Alan was listening from the other room and walked in, “And what the hell do you think they were going to be doing.”

“Not Rape.” Jack protested.

“He and a minor were out past curfew at your son’s request.” Alan stated.

“Who is this minor and how would you know?” Jack pressed.

“Who she is does not concern you.  She was found with your son and based on eye witnesses, he was pressuring her to have sex with him.” Alan stated.

“I want Names, you can’t charge my son without evidence and that requires eye witness accounts and names of witnesses.  That’s the law.” Jack shouted.

“Not here!” Alan counted. “The law you studied, died.”  

“So you're just going to make it up as you go. Is that it.” Jack shot back.

“NO!  We are going to protect our people and teach them to be responsible for their actions.” Alan shouted back.  His temper was flaring out of control. “Your son is going to be investigated and held responsible for what he’s done.” 

“Like hell he is.” Jack said.

“Did you know that your son propositioned a thirteen year old.” Alan was furious, “Your SON! Was trying to get a thirteen year old girl to have sex with him!” Alan was shaking his head.

Jack was silent.

“Thirteen.” Alan saw that Jack stopped protesting. “And it’s rumored that he got a seventeen year old girl pregnant. Damn Jack.  If any of this is true…”

“You have to prove it.” Jack finally said.

“Damn you Jack, if half of this is true.  I’m going to kick you and him out of here.” Alan said. “I swear it Jack.”

Jack backed down.  He had only seen Alan this mad once before and he did have that person removed.  “I need to speak to my boy.”

“You can be present at the questioning, but don’t think for one second we are going to put up with your blustering.  That law is gone.  However, we can’t have a witch hunt either.”

Jack was about to protest when Alan put up his hand, “I’ve brought Lawrence in to do the questioning, in the morning.” 

“So, you’re not going to release him?” Jack asked.

“No.” the sheriff said.

“Not till we have looked into some of these allegations.” Said Alan.

“Not you.” Jack insisted.

“Not me.  Mike will investigate. Along with the sheriff.” Alan stated.

I want names.” Insisted Jack.


“That’s not right.” Insisted Jack.

“No.  Once we know that we have a case you will be given a chance to review the statements and question the witnesses, but you won’t be doing it alone and you sure as hell won’t be given the opportunity to harass anyone.” Alan stated.  He paced back to the wall an swung around and shouted, “Dammit Jack, if he’s got some kid pregnant and she’s not seeking what little medical help we have, her life could be in danger.  This isn’t a game anymore, sex can’t be treated like a game.” 

“I get it.” Jack said. Then turned to the sheriff, “Let me see him.” 

“Five minutes, then we are shutting down for the night.” The sheriff said.

The next day the Sheriff and Mike interviewed Charleen, Becky and Clair.  They identified Jessica as the student that went missing.  Her parents said that she ran away from home.  A quick search showed that she was hiding at her grandmother’s home about six miles to the South.  Her grandmother was trying to take care of her without her parent’s knowledge.  She was interviewed and again Jason was implicated as the aggressor that pressured her into having sex with him.  Once she told him that she was pregnant, he instantly called her a slut for sleeping around and told her she was on her own. 

All of the interviews were recorded by a clerk and submitted as  evidence.  At this time they were presented to both the prosecutor, which was Susan, and the defense, which was Jack.

Jack read them very carefully.  There was a clear pattern.  

Susan approached Lawrance to ask if he would second her as a coach, he didn’t hesitate.  Saying “This is quite clear and we can’t let our young population be so frivolous.”   

Susan asked, “So, you think we can stop them from having sex.”

Lawrence, “Not a chance, but we have plenty of contraceptives and they need to take this seriously.” Lawrence shook his head, “but this is something different. This is a predator that is victimizing young girls, not women.”

Susan asked, “So we need to present him as a predator?”

“Yes.” Lawrence said in a low tone. “He is going after kids.”  

“So you want him out.” Susan asked.

“Not necessarily. If we can get him to take responsibility for his actions and stop pursuing kids.  Then maybe we can let him stay, but that’s a lot of maybes.” 

“Okay.  So say we get him charged like that.  What safeguards will we set up?  And who is going to oversee that?” Susan asked.

“I know where you’re going with that.” Lawrence looked up, “Kids make mistakes.  I think if we push for an expulsion we would be drawing a line that too many may not like.”

“You know Alan is constantly worried about that too.” Susan stated.

“Yes, it’s about the only thing we can agree on.” Lawrence said.

At the same time, Mike and the sheriff were preparing to interview Jason.  Jack was pacing the floor.  

Mike came in first then the sherif with Jason in cuffs.  They sat him down on one side of the table.  The boy looked at his dad and then at the two interviewers and the expression on his face was like he could care less.  Mike and the Sheriff sat in the other two chairs. Jack had to stand.  They opened the folder that they both had and the sheriff read first, “Jason Copeland you are being charged with the following violations.  One: Misdemeanor curfew violation. Two: Two counts of Statutory rape of a minor.”

At this Jason sat up and said, “Wait! What.  No way in hell!” he looked at his dad.  “What are they talking about. Those girls wanted it.” 

“Shut up!” Yelled Jack.

At this Mike stood. “We’re not done.” and looked at the sheriff.

Jason looked at the two men and the smirk on his face evaporated..

The sheriff continued, “Three: pregnancies of a minor.  Four: Under the Code of conduct the abandonment of personal responsibility of a minor.” 

Now Jack protested, “What the hell is that?”

Mike looked at Jason, “You can’t play like an adult and not pay for your mistakes.  You bring a child into this world, you had damn well better take care of it.” 

“That’s bullshit.  You have no way of proving that kid is…”

“Stop right there. Your son so much as stated that he had sex with those girls or tried.” Mike said sternly, then continued, “So, shut up and listen.  There is only one way out of this.  Our way.” 

Jack stopped.  It looked as if he was trying to find something to say.  Then resignation settled over his face.  

Mike sat down and opened his folder, “Son, if this goes to trial they are going to call for your explosion.  They are going to paint you as a sexual predator and even if by some miracle you survive that, I guarantee, that if you even look at another minor female, I will make sure your body is never found.”

“That’s coercion! You can do that.” Jack protested. 

“No, Jack. That’s a promise.  And I won’t stop there.  You’re responsible for this.” and he pointed at Jason. “What in hell did you teach him about women?  That they’re objects.  Things to concur.  What?” Mike took a breath, “These were kids!” But Mike couldn’t help it, “Damnit Jack, one was thirteen.  What sick bastard goes after a thirteen year old girl?” 

Jack looked at Mike, “So that’s it. He’s tried and convicted.” 

Mike shook his head, “You’re stupid Jack.  You just can’t see past the fact that the court of public opinion will bury him, figuratively and.. literally.  If this goes to trial.  The public will be aware of all the details, minus the names of the minors.  Every dad out there with young girls will be gunning for him.” He pointed at Jason. 

Jason finally shouted, “Those cunts wanted it.  How’s that my fault?” 

Jack back handed his son.  “Shut UP!”

The Sheriff jumped up and wrestled Jack to the ground then cuffed him.  Once he had full control, he escorted Jack from the room.  

The court reporter was recording all of the conversations from the other room.  

Mike sat down and looked at the boy who had crawled back into his chair.  He avoided eye contact.  “Do you really believe that crap you say?”

 The Boy looked at him with a grin, “What, jealous?”

Mike just laughed.  Then got very serious, “A friend once told me that the most dangerous lies we tell, are the ones we tell ourselves to justify our pathetic ideas.  All of these statements and outbursts will be shown to the court.  Good Luck with your defense.” Mike got up.  He had heard enough.  He reached over and took one of the handcuffs off and drug Jason over to an eyelet on the wall where he looped the cuff though and put it back on the boy.  He chose the medium loop as the boy would not be able to sit.  He would just stand there until someone came to put him back in his cell.

Mike needed to find Alan.  This was going to be ugly and he really doubted that they needed a trial to determine what should happen.  The only downside is that Copeland had a sizable farm at the edge of the domain and more than ten hands that may or may not want him freed.  The bigger dilemma was whether it would be safe for the boy to return to his father.  I guess the council would have to decide that.  

By the time Mike and Alan had talked, Susan, Lawrence and Walk were at his door.  Shortly after that Kan was there.  Word was traveling fast and it was only a matter of time and some parents may show up.  

The discussion was short and brutal.  This behavior was just not going to be acceptable by anyone.  The boy was old enough to be tired as an adult and Mike was pushing for that.  Alan was trying to keep this impromptu meeting from becoming the boy's trial and Lawrence was worried about losing the farm and all that it produced each year.  

Finally Alan took his shoe off and banged on his desk.  “Okay! They haven’t answered the question of whether they want a trial or not.  Jack is in jail for assault.  And we aren’t going to solve this tonight!” 

The room quieted down.  Alan was right.  There was no easy answer.  Jack had to address his assault charge, which would be a misterminor. Then he and his son would have to make the decision of whether to go to trial or not.  Then, they could debate the meaning of it all.  But Alan was going to have a talk with Jack, first thing in the morning.  If all the Elders were this worked up about the issue, then the idea of a fair trial was basically out the window.  Jack was going to have to concede and work out some type of concession.  Some reparation for the pregnant girl and then house arrest or confinement.  Alan remembered back to his service days.  There was something called Set Aside.  There was a consequence, but it would be held aside unless some boundaries were made.  For this boy, he would be confined to their farm.  But for how long?  There would also have to be some counseling and training on how to treat a prospective mate.  Jack’s wife left him before the fall and Alan wasn’t aware of any female presence in their home.  Again, a very touchy subject to deal with.  

The next morning Alan was at the holding cell with two cups of coffee, which was a precious commodity.  He had Jack moved to the interview room and there were no recorders.  After some pleasantries Alan started in, “This can’t go to trial.”

Jack just looked away and sipped his coffee.  Finally he looked at Alan.  “So he’s guilty.”

“You know as well as I do that he is.” Alan stated.

“Where do you get off with your high and mighty ideals?” Jack suddenly asked.  

“And where do you get off teaching a child to abuse women like that?” Alan shot back.

“Again.  You are looking at this from your superior moral requirements.” Jack said.

“So.  We need to hold our ground or we will end up just like the animals.  At the wim of our desires.” Alan stated.

“And you decide what is morally right and wrong? You pompous bastard.” Jack mocked Alan.

“No.  It’s based on philosophy, social study and human interactions.” Alan stated, but he always felt like he was on shaky ground when he tried to explain where this code came from.

“And we are all going to fit into your pretty little world?” Jack mocked again.

“It’s a very broad set of rules.  It does encompass the majority.” Alan stated.

“And the minority?”

“They will have to adapt.” Alan stated.


“I’m not here to discuss this.” Alan stated.

“But you will judge us by it.” Jack quipped.

“There has to be a standard.” Alan said.

“According to Alan SCOTT.” Jack mocked him again.

“According to the Elders.” Alan  corrected.

“All of whom have wives, businesses and uphold that image of wholesomeness.” Jack mocked again.

“So, now you're knocking the whole wife, family, productive citizen thing?” Alan asked.  “Or is it just women that you hate?”

Jack looked at him.

“Don’t think we haven’t noticed that you only hire men.  That all of your steady hands seem to have a distrust for women and that your son seems to have picked up on this. By all accounts, he uses them and then disgards them when he’s done.” Alan said.

“I have no use for useless people.” Jack shot back.

“So, women are useless?” Alan asked.

“No, they have their purposes.  So long as you keep them at arm's length.” Jack stated.

“What happened to you?” Alan asked.

“None of your damn business.” Jack said.

Alan stood.  There was no getting through to Jack.  And the solution of sending Jason out and imprisoning him with his father would only make things worse.  There was going to have to be some real hard choices here.  And some more investigation.  As Jack didn’t say that he had sworn off women.  But he definitely limited their exposure to himself and his son.  Which meant that he and his men were engaging in some form of sex for hire.  Or at least that’s what it sounds like.  The big question is, how did this affect the colony?  The sex trades have existed from the beginnings of society.  If it was consensual, then the only issue would be STDs and if one of the women became pregnant.  Who would be held responsible for caring for the child?  

Alan walked out.  He didn’t even talk to the deputies on duty.  They just assumed he was done with Jack and put him back in his holding cell.    

Alan went home.  He needed to figure out a way to get to Jack.  That was the key to all of this.  He found Allison in the kitchen and asked her to stay and talk.  He said that she had to rearrange some things, but it shouldn’t be a problem.  After talking to Susan over the radio, she went back to the kitchen.

After Alan told her all that happened Allison stated, “Well you can’t force him to think differently, you have to show him that it’s in his best interest and show him that they matter.  He needs to see these girls as people and not the woman that hurt him.”  Then she smiled at her husband, It’s a lot like you.  You like to generalize and put everyone in the same can.  It’s just not that simple.” 

“What if we interviewed the girls and let Jack watch.  He will see how much his son has hurt them.” Alan asked.

“I can’t tell you what I don’t know. And I don’t know what happened to Jack to create this situation, but it had to be bad.” Allison stated. “Maybe you should have Lorance talk to him.  He’s the father of young girls and he’s a little less….you.” 

Alan acted like he was offended, but his wife was right.  He could be too much sometimes and this needed someone that could be less.. Intense.  

This blog contains two books of the Remnant Series If you want to start at the beginning of Book 4, click the link below.
1st Chapter of Obsidian Arrows

  If you want to order the books, see below. 

Book 1 is available in paperback or kindle: The Grey Abyss

           Book 2 is available in paperback or Kindle: Graham Heights

R.A. Legg

R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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