The Grey Abyss

Find out what the future of humanity looks like... In "The Grey Abyss" you have moved forward in time. Years are now Cycles, Months - Alunars. See what what has happened the The Remnant.

As the grey abyss presses down on the armada, Knorack the First Warrior, has gone into a self-imposed seclusion. They’re completely abandoned in his absence and the ships are beginning to crumble under the seemingly endless wandering in cosmic nothingness.

The crew of the lead ship Sark has taken over the lower half of the ship and the officers don't dare try to take it back from the dangerous mutineers. The rest of the fleet is faring no better and the people lie on the precipice of starvation and utter demise. Surely, surely they aren’t destined for death. Not after all they had been through.

There’s no denying these are dark days, lost in the grey abyss and hope dwindles fast. It will take an astronomical miracle to save them.

Available now in eBook or paperback. See the link below.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Outliers 6B Steve


     Steve was only thirty minutes late for work, but it set the tone for his entire day. As he watched the large stills bubbling away with their typical pattern he continued to adjust the cooling fluid on the condenser.  He needed to maintain just under 90 degrees F.  After an hour he changed out with another employee and went to look at the fluid that they were producing.  It was a bit warmer than he liked but it met their requirements.  He went to record the temp and alcohol levels.  This batch was still a little higher than they liked so he marked it down for a second run through a heat exchanger.  This would bring the temp down to 75 degrees which was much better in the long run. The other thing that Steve was looking for while the brew was going on, was a container that he could take a few pints and squirrel them away for his home brewery. The Glass containers were counted, so that was out.  The few plastic ones were old and who knows what had been put in them.  He did find some metal containers, but the lids were missing.  This went on all day.  They were on the second batch which would brew for days before it went through the distillery, so his window of opportunity was shrinking and his deadline was right in his face. 

Finally he found a suitable container.  It was crockery and had a flip top with a latch.  He slipped them in just before the end of his shift and sanitized them.  He then filled them and placed the two in his backpack with padding between them.  He then placed this in his locker.  How he managed to do all this without drawing attention to himself, was just a miracle.  The batch had been cooled to room temperature and was being transferred to the barrels.  They would stay there for a few months then be brought back for bottling.  Steve was so happy with himself that he forgot to sign out. 

At the gate he was pulled out of line to be brought back to sign out of his shift.  This put him right next to the guard.  Once he signed out he turned, but the backpack hit the door jam and the bottles made contact with each other which made a very distinct sound.  The guard heard it and looked at Steve, “Sir, please open your backpack.” 

Steve cursed to himself.  If this had been his thermos the search wouldn’t have mattered, but two mason jars were going to draw attention.  Steve tried to blow off the request, “I’m late and my ride is going to leave without me.” he pleaded.

“You know the drill.  This stuff is a controlled substance.  I gota check.” the guard said pointing at the backpack.

Steve pulled the backpack off and put it on the table.

The guard opened the pack and pulled out the two mason jars.  He looked at Steve, “Planning a party?”

Steve thought for a second then said, “Yeah. It’s Kate’s birthday. She’s my wife.” 

The guard looked around and then put the two jars back in the backpack, “Don’t go too crazy.” He closed up the pack.

Steve took the backpacks and thanked the guard.  

The guard then said, “Hope you remember me on my birthday.” and laughed.

Steve smiled back and shook his head.  He then got out of there fast.  He secretly hated Kate right now for putting him in this situation.  She ruined his thermos and he had to get another one or get his thermos into the sanitizer.  He could do that when he got home.  It was almost dark when he arrived.  There was a shabby man standing by his gate.  He called out, “Can I help you?” 

The man looked up, but didn’t say anything until Steve got closer. “You got a bite to spare?” but the man didn’t put out his hand.

“Yes, in the back.” Steve said as the hair on his neck stood up.  This was the code word from Mr. Stook.  They wanted to know how the shipment was coming along.  Steve’s response meant that it wasn’t done yet.

The man shook his head, “We was hopen to get a partial package?” the man said as a question.

Steve looked at the man and decided that it was too risky to have so many shipments.  The one they had planned was going to have to do.  If he borrowed his neighbors wagon too much, well that might draw the type of attention he really didn’t want.  “This is not a short order house. You’re going to have to wait till the meal is cooked.” 

The scrubby man shook his head, “disappointing” he said then started walking away.

Steve didn’t like this.  He went to the back of the house and delivered his contraband. Then went to the back door.  He needed to get his thermos and clean it. He went into the house and it was cold.  No fire in the kitchen stove.  Nothing was cooking and the house was dark.  He called out “Kate!” 

No answer.


Again silence.

He lit a candle by the back door and went in.  The living room was dark.  The bedrooms, all of them were dark.  He looked everywhere. Kate and the girls were gone.  No note, nothing.  Steve remembered what happened in the morning.  Could she have left?   He went to the wardrobe.  It was almost empty of Kate's stuff.  She had left. 

Steve went back to the kitchen and sat at the table.  “Damn!” he shouted as his fist hit the table.  “That ungrateful…” He took a deep breath.  “Okay.”   Steve started to think.  He needed to fix this.  But first he needed to get this shipment out then he could use some of the money to buy Kate a present.  He had to get her back.  And the kids.  But first he needed something to eat.  He looked in the pantry and found some bread. In the icebox was some cheese.  He ate them dry.  He then got his thermos and went back to the shed.  He was going to use steam to sanitize his thermos.  

After that he went to bed.  

The next morning Steve woke to a very cold house.  Kate had always gotten up early and started the fire.  But she was not here.  Steve went to the outhouse and then back to get dressed.  The water in the basin was cold as he splashed it on his face.  Just another reminder of the things Kate did that he took advantage of.  He got his backpack and put some cheese and bread in it.  Got his thermos and went outside.  

Mike was standing at the door when Steve came out.  He had a deputy and two of his security guys with him.

Steve was startled.  “Mike?”

“Steve.”  Was all Mike said.

The deputy stepped up, “Steve Martenson, you are under arrest for assault.” 

“Wait!  What.  Who?” Steve stammered.

“Kate.” Mike said.

“NO.  That was a mistake.  An accident.” Steve stated.

“Sir, please put the backpack down. Turn around and place your hands behind your back.” The deputy stated.

“No, this is a mistake.” Steve protested.

“Sir, I won't ask again.” The deputy said sternly.

Steve dropped his pack, but did not turn, He just couldn’t believe that Kate had nerve to turn him in.  And why was Mike here?  Then it dawned on him.  Kate’s little sister married Mike’s son.  She must have gone to her.  

The sheriff deputy grabbed his arm and turned him.  Then put one cuff on..  

For fear that they would search his home he decided to corporate.  “Okay, okay.  I’m turning.” Steve put his other arm behind him.

The deputy then stated, “You are being put under arrest.  You have a right to a representative.  You have the right to remain silent.  If you choose to make a statement it can be held against you.”  He turned Steve around and asked, “Do you understand?” 

Steve shook his head yes.  He wasn’t going to say anything that could get him in trouble and the quicker they took him to custody, the quicker these people would be off his property.  Steve was escorted to the back of the security truck.  He was helped up and they took off.  Mike stayed behind.  Steve watched him and Mike watched Steve.  

Once at the holding area Steve was taken to the only cell they had.  His cuffs were taken off and the Sheriff approached.  He had a file in his right hand.  He opened it and read, “Steven Martenson, you are being held on one count of assault.  How do you plead?”

Now that was a good question.  If he pleaded innocent then they might investigate.  If he pleaded guilty he might be able to talk himself out of exile as that seemed a bit extreme for hitting his wife.  Besides, married people fight all the time and sometimes they make mistakes. So that is what he’s going to go with, “Yeah, sort of.  It was an accident.”

The Sheriff looked at him. “So, guilty?” 

“Sort of.” Steve insisted.

“I’m afraid there’s no category for that.” The Sheriff said,”Guilty or not.” 

“I think you’ve already decided.” Steve shot back.

“Do you care to make a statement?” The sheriff did not take the bait.  This man was not a victim.  

Steve remained silent.  All the while thinking that his stupid wife was going to screw up everything. He wanted to yell. To tell her how stupid she was and that he wished he had never bought her. The Sheriff's voice broke through his thoughts.

“Do you know of anyone that could be an advocate?” The sheriff asked.

Again silence.

The sheriff turned the page on his report and read, “Since you have not cooperated with the authorities, and you have decided to remain silent.  You will be charged with assault, you will be assigned an advocate by the council’s choosing and you will be brought forward for formal charges and we will establish whether you can be released, held until trial or arbitration.  

Steve looked up, “Arbitration?”

“Yes, if you push for arbitration that will require you to follow the steps set out by the council to repair or change the arrangement that you have with your wife.” the sheriff stated.

“I want that.” Said Steve.

“That is not up to you.  Please explain this to your advocate and he or she will make the necessary arrangements.” The sheriff turned back to the first page, “So, you are pleading guilty and want an arbiter to set up arbitration?

Steve looked at the floor, “Yeah.” 

“Okay.” and the sheriff left.  

It was noon before anyone came to see him.  It was the common’s girl that brought him food. He didn’t know her name, but had seen her working there.  She placed his food on a tray on the other side of the bars.  She then opened a small part of the bars and slid it in.  The deputy was watching the entire time. Then they left.  The tray had some vegetables and dried meat.  What he did not know.  It also had a slice of bread with butter on the side.  Everything was designed to be eaten with your hands, so no metal forks, spoons or knives.  This was by design.  Nothing they gave him could be used to hurt himself or anyone else.  By evening he finally got a visit from the sheriff.  

“You will have an advocate by morning.  You will be spending the night with us.” She stated.  

“Is this usual?” Steve asked, wishing he could bet back home to check on his…enterprise. 

“Well no, but neither is a man beating on his wife.” The sheriff countered. 

“Allegedly.” Steve said.

“You plead guilty.” The sheriff said.

“Because it was an accident.” Steve protested.

The sheriff just shook his head and walked out.  

Dinner was brought, which looked a lot like lunch.  Apparently, variety was not on the menu.

Morning was a little different, as an egg and some vegetables had been wrapped up in a bread-

like roll.  He was offered tea, milk or water.  Steve opted for the tea.

About ten-ish the Sheriff arrived to let him know that they were having trouble finding an arbiter or representative.  “It appears that you have little to no friends.” The Sheriff said as he left.  

About noon Steve was now getting worried.  No doubt word had gotten out about his arrest. And that his shed was basically unguarded.  That could entice someone to try and steal his product instead of buy it.  He had to get out of here.  “Sheriff!  Sheriff!” Steve yelled.

A deputy came in, “Keep it down in here!” he yelled back.

“I need to see the Sheriff.” Steve stated.

“Well he’s not here right now.” 

“I need to be getting back home.  I have things that need to be attended to, you know.  Like everyone else.” Steve pleaded.

“I’ll let him know.” The deputy said.

It wasn’t until evening that the Sheriff returned.  He had dust all over him and he wasn’t in a good mood. “What-do ya want Steve?”

“I need to attend to my home.” Steve pleaded.


“You know, plants need water.  Icebox needs.. Ice and the place needs to be taken care of.” Steve pleaded again.

“Let me see what the council wants to do.” The Sheriff said in a tired voice.


“Not likely.” Said the Sheriff shaking his head. 

Steve tossed and turned all night.  But by morning’s light the Sheriff had returned and they let him out.  He was to stay at his home.  House arrest, they called it.

Steve agreed and was escorted home. Once he was alone he headed for the shed.  To his surprise all was as he had left it and Blake had finished with all that he had brought him.  Steve explained his absence and that he wasn’t going to get any more for a while.  They were going to have to sell what they had and shut down for a week or so.  Blake was actually happy about that.  He hadn’t been home in days and wanted a break.  So that evening he snuck out and kept to the shadows just in case someone might be watching the house.  

Steve busied himself taking care of the place.  He weeded the garden and cleaned up the place a bit.  The next day he was going to ask if he could go in search of an advocate himself as the council had not produced one yet.  He was also going to try and get back to work so he can make enough money to try and get Lourance to represent him.  Everyone knew that Lorance and Alan didn’t get along and if he was to get out of this, that was what he needed.  

All Steve needed now was someone to carry his messages to those that needed to know of his situation.  He needed Blake back.

            Book 2 is available in paperback or Kindle: "Graham Heights"
Book 1 is available in paperback or kindle The Grey Abyss
R.A. Legg

R.A. Legg © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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